Sunday 18 August 2013

Will Thanos and Death make a appear in the Avengers 2 ?

We have all ready been told that Thanos should make some kind of appears but what about Death, who Thanos is in love with and Thanos is doing all this for love but will we have to wait in till The Avengers 2, or Avengers 3 or beyond To see Death and also what kind of role will Thanos make in the second Avengers movie, we he fight or do we just do we just get a cameo again because, I've we all ready heard that Quick Silver and scarlet witch will have some part in the Next Avengers Movie but what kind of role will Thanos have ?, we all ready know that his first big role in the Marvel universe will be in the Guardians of the Galaxy that will included his daughter Gamora who is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
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